Advertising on our website

Members and non-members may submit ads to our classifieds section for Model A Ford vehicles, Model A parts, and Model A era fashions. Members advertise free.

Businesses may advertise for a fee in our newsletter only, the Grapevine Gazette.
Please contact us for business advertising.

Submit a Classified Ad

Submit your classified ad using the form below. Fees for non-members need to be submitted separately as described in the sidebar.

After submitting your information, submit your photo by email using the separate link at the bottom of the page. If advertising a vehicle, only one vehicle per ad.


Please email your photo using the link below:

(note, If your computer is not set up for direct email from the link, we will contact you once we receive your submittal and you can attach the photo to your reply)


Classified ad for non members

Non members will be charged a fee of $25 for three months of advertising. Since we’re still a little old-fashioned, we can only accept checks at this time. Ads will be posted once payment is received.

  1. Complete form at left and click the SUBMIT button at the bottom.

  2. Email photo by clicking SUBMIT PHOTO at the bottom of the page.

  3. Mail a check for $25 to the Sonoma A's with “Classified ad” in the subject line

Sonoma A’s
P.O.Box 4052
Santa Rosa, CA. 95402